The Jacksonville Campaigns

"The Battle of Camp Milton"


Gen. Gordon's O.R.: 

     “I concentrated my force by night at Jacksonville. Troops were brought down the river from Picolata, to which place a portion of them had marched from St. Augustine. I directed one column to effect a landing at the intersection of Cedar Creek and McGirt’s Creek, at a point about 10 miles from the mouth of the latter creek; to move rapidly at night, gain the crossing of  McGirt’s Creek; thence turning northerly, move along the creek and gain the rear of the enemy’s line of intrenchments. I directed another column to move out at the same time from Jacksonville, proceed upon the dirt road that runs south of the RR, and threaten the intrenched line in front. The first column numbered about 1,400 men, the second about 1,059.” 

     “The first was commanded by Col. Noble, 17th Connecticut Volunteers, and consisted of the following regiments: 157th NY, 135 officers and men; 35th USCT, 504 officers and men; 3rd USCT, 275 officers and men; 17th Ct., 135 officers and men; 107th OVI, 338 officers and men. 

     The second column, under Col. Shaw, 7th USCT, consisted of the 7th U.S.C.T, 716 officers and men; 144th NY, 343 officers and men; 75th Ohio (mounted), 120 officers and men; 3rd Rhode Island Artillery  (six pieces), 120 officers and men.” 

     “Colonel Noble effected a landing at 3 am, on the morning of the 1st of June, without opposition. Colonel Shaw moved about the same time to the front from Jacksonville. The front and rear of the enemy’s works were gained by the two columns about the same time, but too late to capture the enemy. Evidences of his hasty flight were apparent in burning trestle-work upon the RR and in abandoned stores and forage. I found the line of fortifications one of great strength, capable of offering a successful resistance to a very large force."


Confederate O.R.


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